Jakarta, 11 March 2013 H.E Mr. Zulkifli Hasan Minister of Forestry, Republic of Indonesia Gedung Pusat Kehutanan Manggala Wanabakti Blok I Lantai 4 Jl. Gatot Subroto - Senayan, Jakarta Pusat 10270 Telp. +6221 5731820 / +6221 5700278 Fax. +6221 5700226 H.E Mr. Timur Pradopo Head of Indionesian Police Force Markas Besar Kepolisian Republik Indonesia Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan, 12110 Telp. +6221 7218001 / +6221 7260306 Fax. +6221 7207277 Your Excellency, We, the undersigned national, regional, and international human rights organizations, write to convey our deep concern in reaction to the news stories of the arrest of 31 members of Pandumaan and Sipituhuta Indigenous Community, North Sumatera Province, Republic of Indonesia. Till now, 16 peoples are still remain detained. This incident is not a new case, but should be regarded as a part of ongoing land conflict affecting indigenous community in the region. The indigenous peoples of Pandumaan and Sipituhuta have been strongly opposing the existence of PT. TPL since 2009, fighting against the land grabbing activities of any actors on their territories. We deeply condemn the detention of 16 members of Pandumaan and Sipituhuta indigenous communities. We strongly believe that the rights of Indigenous Peoples must be protected and ensured by all actors and, in any case, act of violence must be prevented and prohibited in the efforts for the conflict resolution. We urge the Minister of Forestry to revoke the concession of PT. Toba Pulp Lestari in Pandumaan and Sipituhuta Territories. Government of Indonesia shall take concrete action in addressing the land conflict in the region by effectively promoting and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples. Furthermore, we strongly urge the security authorities of Humbang Hasundutan to immediately release 16 members of Pandumaan and Sipituhuta indigenous community who are unlawfully detained. The security authorities must be clearly reminded of their task of preventing violence, and always prioritize peaceful ways in resolving this conflict. Endorsed by

  1. Akar Foundation
  2. Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara
  3. Aceh Women’s League
  4. Aliansi Sumatera Utara Bersatu
  5. Arus Pelangi
  6. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
  7. Asia Monitor Resource Centre
  8. Barisan Pemuda Adat Nusantara
  9. Barisan Pemuda Adat Wilayah Maluku Utara
  10. Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
  11. Cambodian Volunteers for Society (CVS)
  12. Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
  13. Cordillera Peoples Alliance
  14. Dignity International
  15. Forest Watch Indonesia
  16. Foundation Terra Nossa, Netherlands
  17. Gema Alam, Nusa Tenggara Barat
  18. Human Rights Working Group
  20. Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self determination and Liberation
  21. Indonesia for Human’s
  22. Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (PKBI)
  24. Institute for Essential Services Reform
  25. International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism
  26. Jaringan Kerja Lembaga Pelayanan Kristen di Indonesia (JKLPK)
  27. Kalahari Support Group, Netherlands
  28. Kelompok Kerja Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan
  29. Komite Independen Pemantau Pemilu (KIPP)
  30. Konsorsium pendukung Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan (KpSHK)
  31. Kelompok Studi dan Pengembangan Prakarsa Masyarakat (KSPPM)
  32. Lembaga Dayak Panarung (LPD)
  33. Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane (LIPS)
  34. LifeMosaic
  35. Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture
  36. Media Informasi dan Pendidikan Rakyat (MEDIKRA)
  37. National Federation of Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines (KAMP)
  38. Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples, Netherlands
  39. Organisasi Perempuan Adat Ngata Toro (OPANT)
  40. Pax Romana ICMICA Asia
  41. Peace Institute
  42. PELMAS BNKP, Sumatera Utara
  43. People’s Empowerment Foundation, Thailand
  45. Pergerakan Indonesia
  46. Perkumpulan IDEA
  47. Perkumpulan untuk Pembaharuan Hukum Berbasis Masyarakat dan Ekologis (HuMa)
  48. PKBI, Jogjakarta
  49. Pontianak Institute for Kalimantan Studies
  50. Pengurus Wilayah AMAN Kalimantan Tengah
  51. Pengurus Wilayah AMAN Sulawesi Utara
  52. Pengurus Wilayah AMAN Bengkulu
  53. Pengurus Wilayah AMAN Kalimantan Selatan
  54. Pengurus Wilayah AMAN Tana Luwu
  55. Pengurus Wilayah AMAN Sumatera Selatan
  56. Pengurus Daerah AMAN Kepulauan Togian
  57. Pengurus Wilayah AMAN Sulawesi Selatan
  58. Reclassering Indonesia
  59. Rimbawan Muda Indonesia (RMI)
  60. Saka Mese Nusa AlifURU Foundation
  61. Sarawak Dayakiban Association (SADIA)
  62. Sawit Watch
  63. SEHJIRA Deaf-HoH Foundation
  64. Social Analysis and Research Institute
  65. Suara Perempuan Desa
  66. Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization, Netherlands
  67. Tamil Nadu Women’s Forum, India
  68. The Indigenous Community Support Organization (ICSO)
  69. The Knight for Peace, International
  70. Think Centre
  71. Transnational Institute, Netherlands
  72. Universitas Presiden
  73. Woman Health Philippines
  74. Women’s Consortium of Nigeria (WOCON)
  75. Yayasan CAPPA – Ecological Justice
  76. Yayasan LINTAS NUSA
  77. Yayasan Kalyanamitra
  78. Yayasan Mandiri Kreatif Indonesia
  79. Yayasan Pemberdayaan Pefor Nusantara
  80. Yayasan PeNA, Banda Aceh
  81. Yayasan Transformasi Lepra Indonesia
  82. Youth for Peace
  83. Zomi Human Rights Foundation

Supported by:

  1. Bungaran Antonius Simanjuntak, Akademisi
  2. Martua Sirait, Anggota Dewan Kehutanan Nasional (DKN)
  3. Romba Maranu Sombolinggi, Ketua Dewan PEREMPUAN AMAN
  4. Saurlin Siagian

Writer : Infokom AMAN | Jakarta