Since November 2012 until February 2013, 535 indigenous people of Kwoor district, Tambrau regency, Papua Barat province suffered from malnutrition and itching skin. The epidemic has been spreading to several villages, including Jokjoker, Kosefo, Baddei, Sukuweis and Krisnos ( Ninety five deaths were reported due to the absence of health service in Kwoor district. People have to travel on foot from one village to another just to get medical treatment. The district is lack of health care infrastructure. Villagers have been facing difficulty to obtain medical treatment, hence the reported deaths. Red Cross assessed the situation after being informed by the Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) Chapter Sorong Raya. The assessment shows that the people emergently need medicines, food, urgent care clinic, baby and children necessities, as well as shelter. Released via the Red Cross’ twitter account @palangmerah, the report tells the people of Kwoor did not only suffered malnutrition but also malaria, anemia, skin diseases, and framboesia. Therefore, AMAN is raising funds to fight the malnutrition disaster in Kwoor district. To transfer donations, please use these details:

Account name: Rekening Peduli Masyarakat Adat Account number: 127-00-0644161-0 Bank Mandiri Cabang Pejaten, Jakarta On behalf of Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara

Please confirm your donation by sending information containing your name, date of transfer, donation amount and transfer remark (donation for Hunger Disaster in Kwoor district, Tambrauw regency, Papua) by e-mail to or text message to 08121100303. Even though the government has denied declaring this as an extraordinary occurrence, AMAN recommends immediately sending humanitarian aid to treat, take care, and provide health service to Kwoor district. Another recommendation of AMAN is establishing counseling and reinforcement to prevent lingering trauma for villagers losing their family members. For further information, please kindly contact Annas Radin Syarif of AMAN’s Community Service and Disaster Response Division (mobile phone: 081381467856)

Writer : Infokom AMAN | Jakarta