Report by AMAN's Secretary General covering the period of 2007-2012
19 November 2012 Publikasi Infokom AMAN[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="156"] Secretary General[/caption] This report is intended to give an account of the implementation of the organization and execution of the work program by the National Governing Body (PB) ofAMAN in accordance with its mandate and decisions of the Congress of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (KMAN) III in Pontianak on 19-21 March 2007 until just before the KMAN IV held on 19-25 May2012 in Tobelo. To be able to more fully describe the development of AMAN in an effort to translate and implement the decisions of KMAN III and the progress that has been achieved to date, this report is arranged chronologically and presented as follows: First, we will outline again what has been mandated by KMAN III to us all, both related to organization and the extent of achievement of its mandates in this 5-year program. Second, we will describe the condition of our organization when we started the job as Executive Leadership of PB AMAN for the period 2007-2012. [dm]27[/dm] [dm]23[/dm] [dm]24[/dm] [dm]25[/dm] [dm]26[/dm]